Saturday, October 24, 2015


The maintenance staff is constantly evaluating the conditions of the playing surfaces to enhance the golfing experience here at Ocean Pines.
One way we do this is by monitoring the shade patterns along each hole.
Turfgrass can handle traffic stress if the growing environment is in good order. Things like mucky soils, low sunlight penetration through the tree canopies and lack of airflow through the forest undergrowth can be a detriment to the health of the plant.
An extra tool used here at the Pines is the Sunseeker app. Using this tool helps determine sun angles at different times of the year and allows us to evaluate and determine our tree canopy management program.
Other times, you need only look at the turf to see what is happening. Notice the drip line of the tree to the right of the cart path. This is an example of the large oak tree starving out the turf of nutrients and water. This added to cart stress coming on and off the path equals weak turf that is unable to handle the traffic.
We are quickly approaching the cold days of winter when we can address some of these stressed areas with a more long range outlook by thinning the tree canopies.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Everything in moderation...

If only the weather would heed those words from long ago... My mom used to say, 'everything in moderation, son!'; usually at the cookie jar or in the candy aisle.
It seems to be feast or famine lately in the rainfall category. Currently, we are sitting on the north side of a low pressure. This translates to waves of rain showers blowing off the Atlantic.
Along with astronomical high tides and the substantial winds from the ENE, the canals and ditches are at capacity, running over in some areas... But thankfully, hurricane Joaquin seems to be turning out to sea.
Stay dry over the next few days, we will playing golf again before you know it.